IMUS & CBS .....CBS really Sucks!!!
Talk about pouring gasoline on an open fire .... CBS has fueled a big race riot on a lot of internet forums.
Shame on you CBS for bending over to please a couple of so-called Revs. You let that a**hole Sharpton pressure you into firing IMUS. You are no better than the idiots at MSNBC. I'll not be watching MSNBC nor will I be listening to any radio stations that are connected with CBS. And, to all the sponsors that pulled out ....... your products will not be in my house from this day forward.
To the nappy headed ho's on that damn basketball team .... You should be happy now that IMUS has been fired and he can't badmouth you anymore. Oh wait .... you have a long way to go in your young lives and if you think that being called a "nappy headed ho" has ruined your life ... THINK AGAIN. You will be called worse than those three little words from many many white people. I'm sure you call each other Ho's .... so what's the big deal? Oh, I get it now ....... IMUS is WHITE!! Can we all say "Double Standard".
One thing I would like to know .... Who the hell died and made that nappy headed Sharpton GOD? You and your nappy headed friend, Jesse Jacka**, can both rot .... I'm sure there is a place for both of you in the bowels of hell.
Now, let's all vote in nappy headed Obama and see the direction this country takes .... talk about double standards and race cards being played to the hilt.
I must thank Sharpton and Jacka** for turning me into an out of control racist. But, the town I live in has no Blacks and the "N" word rolls off of everyones tongues so smooth. I've never used the word until yesterday. Let me put it this way ..... I did not feel guilty for saying it.
Nappy Headed Ho's .......... still laughing my a** off at that rude comment made by IMUS :o)
Long live IMUS ..... he will be back.