Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thanksgiving Eve Sunset

Thanksgiving Eve Sunset
Originally uploaded by Digital Gurl.

What a wonderful gorgeous sunset display in the sky this evening! Totally awesome!


Anonymous said...

Cool shot, who is Digital Gurl, I think she was standing over my sholder last night, took this one outside Eldorado at about the same time?
now when are you going to post some BigMa photos?

ShutterFreak said...

LOL I am DigitalGurl on I have posted a couple of Bigma shots and you can find them in my flickr stream. It has been too windy for me to try and shoot that big old thing outside. If it isn't windy, it is cloudy and ugly! Today would be an excellent day to go out shooting with it but the wind will blow you over and I am sure it is the same way in Eldorado!

Your sunset shot is almost identical to mine ... haha I think you were standing over my shoulder :o) It sure was a gorgeous sight!

You can find the Bigma shots (one sparrow and one bluejay) by checking out my flickr photos. Just click the first little flickr badge on the right side of the page.